Monday, February 2, 2009

Idle Ramblings

The thing is, its really quite upsetting when it actually sinks in that we as Indians have still not forsaken the 'adjust kar le yaar' attitude. On the contrary, we've embraced it with a death grip and just refuse to let go. We're far more worried about being diplomatic and politically correct to even try and attempt doing the right thing. I don't intend for the above to sound out of  context but just to add some clarity, look around you, what I say will surely ring true. 

We have the world's longest Constitution, a plethora of brilliant laws and a system of governance which we inherited from the English, the greatest administrators of the world, the lifespan of their empire would justify this statement. The problem, however is that at the helm of affairs is 'the Indian'. The corrupt, conniving Indian who after making an illustrious, enthusiastic entry into the 'House of the People' changes drastically. Power corrupts and absolute power does indeed corrupt absolutely. 

Unfortunately, the underlying motive of the English in educating the Indians of the Raj was to employ them in the lower strata of Governance as subservient, obedient civil servants. The mentality of us Indians till date, seems not to have changed and we simply refuse to think out of the box. We still haven't come to terms with the fact that we are our own rulers. Or have we?

A few days back, we celebrated the glorious Indian Republic. Many people, I noticed in the papers and TV seemed to confuse Republic Day with Independence Day. How many of us actually know, to put it in as simple a manner as I possibly can, that our Republic Day is the birthday of the Constitution of India?

Everything in this country seems to still be about issues like caste, religion, linguistic differences. When will we learn? Indians are Indians. By repeating our 'social segregations', little do we realise that we are the ones who are in fact validating our social brackets and making other conscious of it. If you step into any means of public transport, you usually would be unable to look at a person and ascertain his 'social bracket'. Thats simply because we are all Indians. Only when we really forsake these man made distinctions can we truly unite and advance.

What is the purpose of this blog, you might ask yourself? Well, these are just a few of my random thoughts I wanted up on the net. The idle ramblings of an educated Indian. This is not my idea of an ideal debut online but then again, is there any such thing?

And who am I? I am just another Indian who knows a little bit about the law and  who wants to see India in her rightful place.

This is just the beginning and I promise, my future blogs will be more structured.

- Nikhil


  1. It is a pleasure for a blog zapper to come across something as thought provoking as this... A brave take on India as it exists and a clear dream of as it should be...

    More than just a read...Keep up the good work!

  2. Abstarct! yet thought provoking...
    I know for sure you'll keep up ur promise of 'more structured' blogs. I'm looking forward to it :)

